NSWP E-Learning
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Learn about the Global Fund structure: its history, its founding principles, the role of the Board and the structure of the Secretariat.
- Teacher: NSWP Administrator
This course will introduce you to decision making at the Global Fund, including who decides what gets funded and what happens when a grant reaches a country.
- Teacher: NSWP Administrator
This course will give you essential knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a sex worker representative in a Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM).
- Teacher: NSWP Administrator
This course will give you essential knowledge and understanding of the different stages of the Global Fund grant life cycle and how sex workers can engage with and influence this process to ensure their organisations get funding.
- Teacher: NSWP Administrator
The 2023-2028 Global Fund Strategy guides Global Fund approaches, decision-making, and investment. It is important because it describes what the Global Fund will do and how it will do it.
The Strategy’s increased emphasis on community leadership, acknowledgement, and commitment to maximise use of community knowledge and experience, as well as its greater emphasis on equity, gender equality, and human rights, makes it an extremely useful tool to enhance the engagement of sex workers in all Global Fund processes.
- Teacher: NSWP Administrator